Prof. Qi Xie
Prof. Qi Xie
School of Mathematics
Hangzhou Normal University
No.2318 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou 311121, Zhejiang, P R China.;
QI Xie,Director of Key Laboratory of Cryptography of Zhejiang Province, Dean of School of Mathematics. His research area is applied cryptography and information technology education, including digital signatures, authentication and key agreement protocols, and instructional design etc. He has published over 80 research papers in international journals and conferences, and served as general co-chairs of ISPEC2012 and ACM ASIACCS2013, and a reviewer for over 30 international journals.
Education and profession
2021.7-- School of Mathematics, Hangzhou Normal University.
2007.6-2009.6: Graduate School, Hangzhou Normal University.
Selected Projects
2021-2025: “Research on Key Cryptographic Technologies for the Data Security and Privacy Protection in Blockchain System Based on Chinese Commercial Cryptography Standard”, SubProject of NSFC-Key projects of joint fund for regional innovation and development, (No. U21A20466).
2018-2020:“Research on privacy and fine-grained access control of publicly auditable cloud storage system”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61702152) (participation).
2017-2021: “Research on new data protection cipher algorithm”, National Key R&D Program of China, (No. 2017YFB0802000) (participation).
Selected Papers
[1] Qi Xie. A new authenticated key agreement for session initiation protocol, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2012; 25(1):47–54.
[2] Xie Qi. Provably secure convertible multi-authenticated encryption scheme, IET Information Security, 2012, 6( 2): 65–70.
[3] Qi Xie, Duncan S. Wong, Guilin Wang, Xiao Tan, Kefei Chen, Liming Fang. Provably Secure Dynamic ID-based Anonymous Two-factor Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with Extended Security Model. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2017, 12(6):1382-1392.
[4] Guilin Wang, Jiangshan Yu and Qi Xie. Security Analysis of A Single Sign-On Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 9(1): 294-302 (2013).
[5] Qi Xie, Guilin Wang, Fubiao Xia and Deren Chen. Self-Certified Proxy Convertible Authenticated Encryption: Formal Definitions And A Provably Secure Scheme. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,2014, 26(5): 1038-1051.
[6] Qi Xie, Na Dong, Xiao Tan, Duncan S. Wong, Guilin Wang. Improvement of a Three-Party Password-Based Key Exchange Protocol with Formal Verification. Information Technology And Control, 2013, Vol.42, No.3,231-237.
[7] Qi Xie, Xiao Tan, Duncan S. Wong, Guilin Wang, Mengjie Bao and Na Dong. A practical anonymous authentication protocol for wireless roaming, Security and Communication Networks. 7(8): 1264-1273 (2014) .
[8] Qi Xie, Bin Hu, Xiao Tan, Mengjie Bao, Xiuyuan Yu. Robust anonymous two-factor authentication scheme for roaming service in global mobility network, Wireless Personal Communications, 2014, 74(2): 601-614.
[9] Qi Xie, Jianmin Zhao, Xiuyuan Yu. Chaotic Maps-Based Three-Party Password-Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, Volume 74, Issue 4, pp 1021-1027.
[10] Qi Xie, Dongzhao Hong, Mengjie Bao, Na Dong and Duncan S. Wong. Privacy-Preserving Mobile Roaming Authentication with Security Proof in Global Mobility Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2014, Article ID 325734, 7 pages, 2014.
[11] Qi Xie, Wenhao Liu, Shengbao Wang, Lidong Han, Bin Hu, Ting Wu. Improvement of a Uniqueness-and-Anonymity Preserving User Authentication Scheme for Connected Health Care, Journal of Medical Systems, (2014) 38:91.
[12] Qi Xie, Bin Hu, Na Dong, Duncan S. Wong. Anonymous Three-Party Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme for Telecare Medical Information Systems, PLoS ONE 9(7): e102747. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102747 (2014).
[13] Xie, Q., Li, K., Tan, X. et al. A secure and privacy-preserving authentication protocol for wireless sensor networks in smart city. EURASIP Journal of Wireless Commmunication and Networkings, 2021, 119 (2021).
[14] Qi Xie, Jun Zhang, Na Dong. Robust Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Telecare Medical Information Systems, Journal of Medical Systems.2013 Apr;37(2):1-8.
[15] Qi Xie. Improvement of a security enhanced one-time two-factor authentication and key agreement scheme, Scientia Iranica (2012) 19 (6), 1856–1860.
[16] Qi Xie, Zhixiong Tang, Kefei Chen. Cryptanalysis and improvement on anonymous three-factor authentication scheme for mobile networks, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2017(59): 218-230.
[17] Xie Qi, Hu Bin, Chen Ke-Fei, Liu Wen-Hao and Tan Xiao. Chaotic maps and biometrics based anonymous three-party authenticated key exchange protocol without using passwords. Chinese Physics B, Vol. 24, No. 11 (2015) 110505
[18] Qi Xie, Bin Hu, Ting Wu. Improvement of a chaotic maps-based three-party password-authenticated key exchange protocol without using server's public key and smart card. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79(4 ): 2345-2358
[19] Qi Xie, Zhixiong Tang. Biometrics based authentication scheme for session initiation protocol. SpringerPlus, (2016) 5: 1045-1058.
[20] Qi Xie, Xiao Tan, Bin Hu, Guilin Wang, Duncan S. Wong, Kefei Chen, and XiuYuan Yu. Probably Secure Anonymous Authenticated Key Agreement Protocols with Enhanced Security Models, Science, 360(6387):27-28, 2018APR 27
[21] Qi Xie , Lingfeng Hwang , Security enhancement of an anonymous roaming authentication scheme with two-factor security in smart city, Neurocomputing 347 (2019): 131-138.
[22] Qi Xie, Yanrong Lu, Xiao Tan,Zhixiong Tang, Bin Hu. Security and Efficiency Enhancement of an Anonymous Three-Party Password-Authenticated Key Agreement Using Extended Chaotic Maps. PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(10): e0203984.
[23] Qi Xie, Bin Hu, Xiao Tan, Duncan S. Wong. Chaotic Maps-Based Strong Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Roaming Services in Global Mobility Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, (2017) 96:5881-5896.
[24] Xie Qi, Yu XiuYuan. Cryptanalysis of Tseng et al's authenticated encryption schemes,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, 158(1):1-5.
[25] Xie Qi. Improvement of Tzeng et al.'s nonrepudiable threshold proxy signature scheme with known signers. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005,168(2):776-782.
[26] Qi Xie , Zixuan Ding , and Bin Hu. A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Three-Factor Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks in Internet of Things. Security and Communication Networks, Volume 2021, Article ID 4799223, 12 pages.