


来源 : 电子竞技博彩      作者 : 学院     浏览量:1036     时间 : 2023-02-28



姓名: 王会歌    

职称: 副教授  

邮箱: whgexf@ggbetchina.com 


2001.09——2005.06 西北师范大学数学与信息科学学院计算机系 工学学士学位

2006.09——2009.06 西北师范大学数学与信息科学学院计算机系 工学硕士学位

2012.09——2017.03 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院计算机系 工学博士学位

2018.09-2022.08 复旦大学计算机科学技术学院 密码学 博士后

2023.01至今 电子竞技博彩-中国电竞博彩 工作







1. Functional broadcast encryption with applications to data sharing for cloud storage. Information Sciences, 2019. (with Zhang,Yuan; Chen, Kefei;Sui,Guangye;Zhao,Yunlei;Huang,Xinyi )

2. Access control encryption with efficient verifiable sanitized decryption. Information Sciences, 2018. (with Chen, Kefei; Liu, Joseph K; Hu, Ziyuan; Long, Yu)

3. LR-RRA-CCA secure public-key functional encryption for randomized functionalities from trapdoor hash proof system. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2018, 61(5): 1-3. (with Chen,Kefei; Qin, Baodong; Hu,Ziyuan)

4. A new construction on randomized message-locked encryption in the standard model via UCEs, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2017, 60(5): 1-19. (with Chen,Kefei; Qin,Baodong; Lai,Xuejia; Wen,Yunhua)

5. An efficient pairing-free certificateless signature scheme for resource-limited systems. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 60(11): 119102 (2017). . 60 (11), 1-3. (with Wang,Liangliang; Chen,Kefei; Long, Yu)

6. Identity-Based Identity-Concealed Authenticated Key Exchange. ESORICS 2021.(with Lian, Huanhuan; Pan,Tianyu; Zhao,Yunlei)

7. Leakage-Resilient Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Functional Encryption from Garbled Circuits. ISPEC2018, 2018, 119–140. (with Chen,Kefei; Liu,Joseph K; Hu, Ziyuan)

8. Randomized convergence encryption in the standard model via UCEs. 2015 International Conference on Computer Sciences and Applications (CSA 2015). (with Chen,Kefei; Qin,Baodong; Wang,Liangliang)

9. ID-based proxy re-signcryption scheme. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE2011), June 10-12, Shanghai, China, Volume(2),317-321. (with Wang,Caifen; Cao,Hao)

10. Functional encryption with application to machine learning: simple conversions from generic functions to quadratic functions. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2020. (with Chen,Kefei; Zhang,Yuan; Zhao,Yunlei)

11. A new randomized message-locked encryption in the standard model. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2016,1-11. (with Chen,Kefei; Long,Yu; Wang,Liangliang)

12. Practical CCA Secure Functional Encryptions for Deterministic Functions. Security and Communication Network. 2020. (with Chen,Kefei; Pan, Tianyu; Zhao,Yunlei)

13. CLE against SOA with Better Data Security Storage to Cloud 5G. Security and Communication Networks. 2022. (with Chang,Xing; Chen,Kefei)

14. Certificateless encryption secure against selective opening attack. Security and Communication Networks, 2016, 9: 5600-5614. (with Chen,Kefei; Qin, Baodong; Wang,Liangliang)

15. Cryptanalysis of a certificateless aggregate signature scheme. Security and communication networks 9 (11), 1353-1358. (Wang,Liang liang; Chen,Kefei; Long, Yu)

16. 无证书代理重签密方案. 武汉大学学报,第58卷,第3期,370-376页,2012. 中文核心

17. 具有代理重加密性质的自认证签密方案. 计算机工程,第38卷,第13期,122-124页,2012.中文核心

18. 没有Pairing的无证书公钥签名方案. 计算机应用,第28卷,第6期,1395-1397页,2008. 中文核心

19. 高效的无证书可公开验证签密方案. 计算机工程,第35卷,第5期,147-149页,2009.中文核心

20. 新的基于身份的代理重签密方案. 计算应用,第31卷,第11期,1986-2989页,2011. 中文核心

21. 不含双线性对的无证书签名方案. 计算机工程,第37卷,第16期,126-129页,2011. 中文核心

22. 基于离散对数的无证书代理签名方案. 计算工程与设计, 第32卷,第10期,3284-3286页,2011. 中文核心

23. 项目名称涉密,军委科技委,2020-2024

24. 面向随机函数功能加密中的关键问题研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2018-2020

25. 新型功能加密研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2016-2019

26. 隐私功能增强型密码协议研究,中国博士后基金委,2019-2020

27. 访问控制加密中的关键问题研究,安徽省教育厅,2018-2020

28. 安徽省高校学科(专业)拔尖人才学术资助项目,安徽省教育厅,2019-2021

29. 基于口令和匿签密的双重认证对称可搜索加密算法(202010097171.6),专利

30. 一种SOA-CLE安全无证书的加密方案 (202011616618.2),专利


2019.11. 第五届全国密码技术竞赛总决赛. 二等奖(指导教师).

2011.10. 安徽省“达内杯”大学生程序设计竞赛总决赛. 二等奖(指导教师).

2010.08. 甘肃省高校科技进步奖. 一等奖.

2009.05. 李秉德教育基金. 三等奖.


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